
Gary loved silly jokes.  He liked the Gary Larson cartoons because they were off-beat and absurd.  He loved Bugs Bunny cartoons and Wallace and Gromit. He often came home from work and passed on funny jokes to me and Megan that he’d heard during his day.  One of these jokes was about a frog going into a bank to ask for a loan.  After he died Megan and I found the joke on a birthday card so we had to buy it because it reminded us of him.  If you remember any jokes that you and Gary shared or hear any that you think he would have laughed at please send them to me and I’ll add them here.  Many thanks, Suzanne

This one’s for you Mike!
This came up on my facebook feed on what would have been Gary’s 62nd birthday. I think he would have found it funny, especially as he was a big Star Wars fan 🙂