In Loving Memory of Gary Reddi

Tragically taken from us far too soon

1959 – 2003

Gary was a wonderful family man who loved life.  A devoted and loving husband and father, he had so much energy and was constantly on the go from early in the morning to late at night.  Whether he was going out for a run in the Leicestershire countryside which he loved or in work at Case and Container where he was Logistics Manager, he embraced everything he did with an absorbing enthusiasm.  A loving and proud father, he treasured spending time with his family, wife Suzanne and daughter Megan.  He also found time to complete the Great North Run Half Marathon; study for an Open University degree and play guitar.  Growing up in South Glamorgan, South Wales, Gary was the one his two younger brothers Michael and Logan and two younger sisters Anna and Isabelle went to for help and advice.  He also had an older brother, Martin, who he was sadly separated from at a young age when their parents divorced. Gary was a warm, caring person, quick to laugh, with a cheerful smile and a creative spirit.  The loss we feel without him in our lives is immeasurable.

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Market Harborough Register Office October 1989
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Welcoming Megan into the world, November 1992
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“Will you stay in a lovers story, If you stay you won’t be sorry, cos we believe in you. Soon you’ll grow, so take a chance on a couple of kooks hung up on romancing.” David Bowie
Mike and Rachel’s Wedding March 2001
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Joint birthday celebration for Gary, Ren, Logan and Mike, April 2003
Niagara Falls, Canada, June 2003
Florida, December 2003
Last family photo, Florida, December 2003

In Loving Memory of Gary Reddi

Tragically taken from us far too soon

1959 – 2003

Gary was a wonderful family man who loved life.  A devoted and loving husband and father, he had so much energy and was constantly on the go from early in the morning to late at night.  Whether he was going out for a run in the Leicestershire countryside which he loved or in work at Case and Container where he was Logistics Manager, he embraced everything he did with an absorbing enthusiasm.  A loving and proud father, he treasured spending time with his family, wife Suzanne and daughter Megan.  He also found time to complete the Great North Run Half Marathon; study for an Open University degree and play guitar.  Growing up in South Glamorgan, South Wales, Gary was the one his two younger brothers Michael and Logan and two younger sisters Anna and Isabelle went to for help and advice.  He also had an older brother, Martin, who he was sadly separated from at a young age when their parents divorced. Gary was a warm, caring person, quick to laugh, with a cheerful smile and a creative spirit.  The loss we feel without him in our lives is immeasurable.

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Market Harborough Register Office October 1989
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is circa-1992-megans-birth-cropped.jpg
Welcoming Megan into the world, November 1992
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Circa-1993-playing-guitar-1024x692.jpg
“Will you stay in a lovers story, If you stay you won’t be sorry, cos we believe in you. Soon you’ll grow, so take a chance on a couple of kooks hung up on romancing.” David Bowie
Mike and Rachel’s Wedding March 2001
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This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is birthday-2003-cropped-1.jpg
Joint birthday celebration for Gary, Ren, Logan and Mike, April 2003
Niagara Falls, Canada, June 2003
Florida, December 2003
Last family photo, Florida, December 2003

Miss You

“So many happy memories

So much to give thanks for

But so many tears and heartaches

For all the missed years

For all the moments to come we should have shared

For all the times we will look for you and you won’t be there . . .”

When I wrote those words for Gary’s memorial service sheet I knew we were going to have very difficult and challenging times ahead. I knew I was going to find it very difficult living without Gary in my life because he meant the world to me. What I didn’t know were the details of all the times lying ahead of us when we would wish more than anything else that he could be there. Happy times and intensely sad times – we have lived through so many uncountable moments when Gary should have been there with us to share the laughter and the tears. I can’t list every single time when I have missed him – it’s been many times a day nearly every day since we were so cruelly separated, but some significant moments stand out which I wanted to mention on this page. Sometimes I also look back on the years I’ve spent without him and I think about how much the world has changed since December 2003. There are things we now have, like Spotify and Youtube which I think Gary would have loved and other things like increased pollution and political changes which I’m sure he would have despaired at. I find it comforting to be able to mark some of those occasions here and if anyone else wants to share with me significant times in their lives when they too wished Gary was there next to them then please message me with your thoughts and I will add them here.

To Gary with everlasting love from Suzanne “The hardest thing has been seeing Megan grow up from an eleven year old child into a beautiful, talented and kind young woman without you being with us to share all those moments. From starting at middle school, secondary school, two foundation courses, bringing home her first boyfriend, her dog Molly, meeting Josh who is now her life partner, leaving home, buying their first home together, getting their second dog Floki, graduating from university with a first in Illustration, starting her freelance career, having her first book of illustrations published . . . so, so many times when you would have been there for her – guiding her, helping her, making her laugh, bursting with pride . . . It breaks my heart that you haven’t been there with us throughout all the ups and downs, the traumas, the achievements, the happy occasions – you have always been in our thoughts throughout it all but it’s not the same as you physically being here with us. The difficult times have all been massively more difficult without your help, advise and reassurance; the happy times have all been tinged with sadness because you weren’t with us to share these treasured moments.

So I want to post below some occasions and achievements when I wished above all else that you could have been there next to us. I hope, that even though you weren’t there in person, that you were there in spirit – and you were most certainly there in our thoughts and hearts. “

Megan’s 12th birthday, 2004
Megan’s 13th birthday 2005
2006 Megan and her first electric guitar
2007 Megan’s 15th birthday, living at Symington Way, Market Harborough while house was rewired
Going to Harry Potter midnight book launch
Uncle Reggie’s birthday, Lincoln
Peter’s funeral June 2008
Summer 2008, Las Iguanas, Leicester – our favourite restaurant – we think Gary would have loved it too!
2008, Megan’s 16th birthday and GCSE results – Gary would have been so proud – she did well 🙂
Download Festival, We started going in 2007 – Gary should have been with us!
Megan’s prom – leaving Robert Smyth School and A level results – occasions her dad shouldn’t have missed
2010 – the arrival of Molly! Gary would have adored her!!! Megan phoned her Uncle Tony to ask for help bringing her home from the rescue centre when my car broke down. A day to be remembered – thank you Tony!
Megan and Josh outside Megan’s flat in Leicester, 2011
The garden at Doidge Road, Birmingham, 2012
Holiday to Florence, Italy, 2013
Birthday celebrations at Megan and Josh’s flat at Four Oaks, Birmingham, 2013
Aunty Frieda’s 90th birthday party, December 2014
Visit to Hogwarts
2015, new addition to the family
Floki at 5 months, 2015
Megan’s degree show, Coventry, 2016
Megan and the portable screenprinting printbed she made out of a vintage suitcase – Gary would have loved this!
Proud mum!
Holiday in Sheringham with Aunty Frieda for my 54th birthday, 2016
Molly’s first visit to the seaside
Berlin, Celebrating 40 years since 1977 – Gary should have been there with us
Berlin, at the Tier Garten, 2017
Outside Hansa Studios, Berlin, 14 October 2017 – a momentous occasion Gary should have been with us for. We cried because Gary wasn’t with us, whilst listening to Heroes in the studio where it was originally recorded.
First Christmas in their new house


Gary loved silly jokes.  He liked the Gary Larson cartoons because they were off-beat and absurd.  He loved Bugs Bunny cartoons and Wallace and Gromit. He often came home from work and passed on funny jokes to me and Megan that he’d heard during his day.  One of these jokes was about a frog going into a bank to ask for a loan.  After he died Megan and I found the joke on a birthday card so we had to buy it because it reminded us of him.  If you remember any jokes that you and Gary shared or hear any that you think he would have laughed at please send them to me and I’ll add them here.  Many thanks, Suzanne

This one’s for you Mike!
This came up on my facebook feed on what would have been Gary’s 62nd birthday. I think he would have found it funny, especially as he was a big Star Wars fan 🙂